Data Link / Repeater 遠程中繼
Data Link Chain 資料傳輸鏈
The radio communication is the primary key to the control of UAV drones.
When there are perfect wireless/wired communication environment conditions, unmanned remote control can realize the goal of remote reality and instant response as you are there.
In the modern advanced wireless communication technology, long-distance transmission telecomm has already spread all over the world. It is easy to own a kit of exclusive personal cutting-edge UAV drone control system, and the price is so popular that the public can afford it.
At present time, most amateur radio player telecomm remote control equipment can have a 12-CH multi-channel full-wire analog control radio console for about some hundred U.S. dollars, but if we want to go further to achieve multi-device joint control as fleet management, Or more remote range > 5KM above beyond the visual sign limit, the data link relay transmission is needed to completion of the integrated data link.
無線電通訊為 UAV 無人機操控之首要關鍵, 當有完善之無線 / 有線通訊環境條件時, 無人遠端遙控方能實現遠距實境 即時反應 如親臨實地之目標.
現代化無線通訊技術發達條件下 遠距傳輸通訊早已遍佈全球, 想要擁有一套專屬個人的尖端通訊 無人機操控系統 已經不是難事, 而且是價格普及 大眾都買得起.
目前業餘無線電玩家級的電通訊遙控設備, 大多在台幣上萬元左右即可擁有 12-CH 多頻道完全線控類比操控無線電控制台, 但如果要再更進一步達到 多機聯合操控 / 機隊管理 或是更遠距遙控 > 5KM 以上 超越目視極限之遠距遙控, 便需要數據鏈 Data-Link 中繼傳輸協助 共同完成整合數據鏈.

Communication Data Relay 遠程數據中繼
The radio communication needs to maintain smooth communication in anytime and anywhere,
it is necessary to have the coverage of base stations.
Just like the GSM (Global System Mobile communication) mobile communication system is currently the most convenient data communication system in the world, but there will still be communication dead spots or areas that are not covered by the signal.
When encountering non-populated metropolitan areas, communication interruptions will occur. Therefore, it is necessary to build the long-distance communication capability of own fleet.
Long-distance data relay communication links are usually needed when the multi-machine fleet covers a large area or requires remote control tasks.
At the time, it need to send one for data drones in the UAV fleet to stay in a airspace as a data relay task, just like crossing a river and building a bridge, to build a data link task for the fleet to extend the flight control range.
無線電通訊如需要隨時隨地保持通訊暢通, 就必須要有基地台鋪設涵蓋率.
如同 GSM (Global System Mobile communication) 移動通訊系統 為目前全球使用最便利之數據通訊系統, 但仍會有出現通訊死角或信號未涵蓋區, 如遠距飛航任務時 上百公里以上飛行時, 就常碰到非人口都會區, 即會發生通訊中斷情形.
遠距數據中繼通訊鏈結, 通常都是在多機機隊大涵蓋面積 或需要遠距遙控任務便會有需要.
此時便需要透過 UAV 無人機隊中, 派遣其中一架數據無人機來滯留空域擔任數據中繼任務, 如過河搭橋一般, 為機隊延伸飛航範圍進行搭建數據鏈任務.