Ground Station 飛航管理
Terrain Flight 地形地貌飛行
The Auto Pilot & instrument-controlled navigation flight is an essential capability of high-end flight.
After the flight plan is saved into computer, the auto-pilot flight navigation will start to take control,
from takeoff, scheduled flight, spot-verification until landing.
All can be completed automatically by flight computer.
Auto Pilot 自動數據儀控導航飛行 是高端飛行具必備之能力, 當做好飛行計畫存入電腦執行序列後, 自動飛行導航便會開始執行, 從起飛- 進入預定航行路徑 – 核實點 – 完成飛行計畫 – 定點降落 均可由飛航電腦系統獨力自動完成.

Control Center 飛航中心
The flight information center is a multi-window remote reality console, which provides real-time control information from multiple viewing screen to help navigation and pilot_
Real-time image_ Far-side real-time image feed back
Flight Data_ GPS / 3D sensor / attitude / airspeed / azimuth flight information
Terrain flight_ GIS geographic terrain combined with flight plan and path finder automatic navigation
Remote manual control_ Analog manual control and pilot operation
All of these are professional flight for high-end flight console, and they are combined to the flight console.
飛航情管中心為多視窗遠距實境控制台, 主要由多視區提供操控資訊_
即時影像傳輸_ 遠端即時影像回傳
飛航數據/儀控_ GPS / 3D感測 / 姿態儀 / 高度 空速 方位角等儀控資訊.
地形地貌飛行_ GIS 地理地形地貌結合飛行計畫路徑圖及自動導航顯示
遠端遙測操控_ 線傳類比控制 / 手動操作調整
各項皆為高端飛控不可或缺之專業飛航功能, 一起集合為飛航操控台.