𝑼𝑨𝑽 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒔 飛行器產品
Solar UAV 太陽能航空器

Solar UAV is designed for long flight time and stay in air.
配備太陽能充電續航能力之 太陽能航空器, 為遠距離 長時間滯空飛行設計之譏型.
UAV-1 Solar Power
After installed Solar Panel the UAV can charge by solar power when day time fly for 2 – 15 hours long flight.
配備了太陽能充電機能之 UAV 機型, 可以在日間飛行中隨時進行充電, 能達到 2-15小時 長時間飛行滯空需求.
According to solar wing size, it need for runway to take-off and landing.
因佩備太陽能機翼 本機型需要有機場跑道以供起降.
Length: 1800 x 2500 mm
Capability: 2 – 10 KG
Fly time: 2 – 15 hours
Range: 20 – 200 KM
VTOL Patrol UAV is designed for 5 – 200 km middle range patrol mission, with VTOL and wing fly capability.
垂直起降巡航機 設計用來中長程飛行 5 – 100公里 中遠距飛行巡航任務.
UAV-2 Patrol UAV
The UAV-2 equipped wing fly and both 4-axis motor for VTOL long still fly capability.
本機具有氣動機翼設計及四軸電動機, 具有水平飛行及垂直起降, 定點靜滯空能力.
This model applied for 4-motor and 5-motor version, with front steerable axle design to provide more fast forward fly speed to 150 – 350 km/hr,
本機型具有 4 及 5 具電動機設計, 獨特的前殿動機轉向設計 可提供更高速5之前進空速達時速 150 – 350 km/hr
UAV-2 Patrol UAV
Length: 1500 x 2000 mm
Capability: 5 – 10 KG
Fly time: 2 – 5 hours
Range: 5 – 100 KM
Multi-Axis UAV is designed for low speed fly, long still air VTOL application.
多軸飛行器為設計用來低速飛行, 長時間靜滯空之垂直起降機型.
UAV 4-Axis 四軸飛行器
UAV 4-Axis
wheelbase: 1350 mm
Capability: 2 – 10 KG
Fly time: 20 – 40 min
Range: 2 – 10KM
UAV 6-Axis 六軸飛行器
UAV 6-Axis
wheelbase: 1800 mm
Capability: 10 – 30 KG
Fly time: 30 – 60 min
Range: 5 – 20KM
UAV 8-Axis 八軸飛行器
UAV 8-Axis
wheelbase: 2200 mm
Capability: 30 – 60 KG
Fly time: 60 – 120 min
Range: 10 – 30KM
To manage the multi-UAV fleet flight will need the multi-tasking flight plan prepared in advance.
當管理多機編隊任務時, 便需要預先做好機隊分工任務管理於飛行計畫中自動實行.
Flight Control 飛航管制
The flight manager also can handle the A.T.C. air traffic control when multi-tasking the flight missions.
飛航管理系統也包含了空中交管功能, 當多機編隊執行任務時 進行空中路線規劃分配.
Flight Mission 編隊任務
On the multi-tasking mission, it can be goal the full rich time-effects by A.I. optimal performance.
當多機編隊任務執行時, 便可同時進行多項任務 達到最佳化效能.
For long range communication when UAV exceed the radio signal, Data-link / Repeater stepper will help to extend flight range.
當遠距飛行超出信號控制範圍時, 遠距中繼傳輸機 便會負起長距離通訊之信號中繼任務.
Stepper / Repeater flight 中繼信號飛行
when the fleet exceed the system control range, One of fleet UAV will stay still for radio repeater to extend the control area.
當多機飛航達到距離極限時, 其中單機將留下做為信號中繼傳輸機, 讓多機隊繼續前進 以達到飛航目標區.
Those multitasking mission can be divided of fleet UAV in advance on flight plan, and auto implement.
這些多重分工任務 可以在機隊出發前預先做好飛行計畫, 當機隊出發後 便開始自動分工執行.
With the multiple screens of flight information, the pilot can easy set on the ground station and control the air fleets on screen.
飛航管理中心 提供多視窗飛航情報資訊顯示, 滿足飛行員具駕馭單機或是機隊時之飛航管控需求.
Terrain flight 地貌飛行
According to build-in topography database, pilot can accomplish the terrain flight on screen.
根據電腦內建之地形地貌資料庫, 飛行員可以實現全時地貌飛行 在充分完整飛航情報中達成飛行目的.
Flight plan 飛行計畫
Pilot can setup the flight plan on schedule for Auto-pilot, and also can switch to Manual for adjustment, and then return to Auto.
飛行員可以預先設定飛行計畫並存入電腦中, 在自動飛航模式中, 飛行員可以隨時介入手動操作, 待完成調整後 再回到自動飛航路線進行.